You should have a flat, reasonably level area on your site. It should be pretty stable and not muddy. While cutting, the 31/16 sawmill and your log is supported by 8 leveling jacks. For example: A 16 ft maple log that is 31 inches in diameter on the sawmill puts about 5,600 lbs on those 8 jacks. With each jack supporting 700 lbs the ground needs to be stable.
Log Handling
The sawmill has rigging systems for loading logs up to 5,000 lbs onto it. However, this only works for logs within about 25 feet of the sawmill. You will need to be able to move your logs into the area of the sawmill or have multiple log piles that we move the sawmill to.
Lumber Handling
The faster we are able to unload the milled lumber, the quicker we can get your logs milled. You should have a place ready to put both the milled lumber and the waste slabs. The freshly milled lumber is green and should be dried before use. To facilitate that, each layer of lumber should have at least a 1 inch spacer to allow air flow around the fresh lumber. Ask us about how the optimise this process.
Slab Handling
The slabs are the pieces that are cut away in the 1st step of log cutting process. Normally the slabs are a waste product that can be cut down to make great firewood. However, the slabs need to be moved away from the sawmill area as they get int the way of loading logs and unloading lumber.